This just in...
It appears that Pope John Paul II has been spotted. According to the Vatican Television Director and close friend of the late leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
Hundreds had attended the ceremony. Gregorz Lukasik, the Polish man who took the photographs, said: "It was only afterwards when I got home and looked at thepictures that I realised I had something."I showed them to my brother and sister and they, like me, were convinced the flames had formed the image of Pope John Paul II."I was so happy with the picture that I showed it to our local bishop who said that Pope John Paul had made many pilgrimages during his life and he was still making them in death."
It appears that Pope John Paul II has been spotted. According to the Vatican Television Director and close friend of the late leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
Hundreds had attended the ceremony. Gregorz Lukasik, the Polish man who took the photographs, said: "It was only afterwards when I got home and looked at thepictures that I realised I had something."I showed them to my brother and sister and they, like me, were convinced the flames had formed the image of Pope John Paul II."I was so happy with the picture that I showed it to our local bishop who said that Pope John Paul had made many pilgrimages during his life and he was still making them in death."
La foto sarebbe stata scattata dal poliziotto Gregorz Lukasik che dichiara di averla mostrata al vescovo della sua città. il quale gli avrebbe detto che "Papa Giovanni Paolo II aveva fatto molti pellegrinaggi in vita e continua a farne dopo morte".
2 commenti:
preferisco pensare ad una coincidenza
Esatto. Io ricordo d'avere pubblicato sul Giornale di Sicilia, in prima pagina, una bella foto a colori dei laghetti di Marinello, che ritraeva l'immagine del laghetto maggiore raffigurante la sagoma della Madonna. Non era un miracolo, ma una semplice casualità. Infatti poi lentamente la forma del laghetto s'è modificata. Purtroppo quella foto per il momento non la trovo, ma farò una ricerca e se sarà positiva la pubblicherò in questo blog.
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